Thursday, May 14, 2015

Patan Durbar square before #NepalEarthquake

Map by Ruby Tours & Travel

Patan Durbar square is a marvel of Newa architecture. The main temples are aligned opposite of the western face of the palace.

Picture by Daniel Snelson

Picture by Gavin Golden

Krishna Temple (left) and Royal Palace with Sundar Chowk (left

Picture by Doug Letterman

Picture by Josefina Casals
Yogendra Malla Statue with Vishnu Temple

Picture by Jeanne Menj

Char Narayan Temple: Also called Jagannarayan, perhaps the oldest temple in Patan's Durbar Square, constructed primarily of brick. Some say it was built in 1565, others suggest in the early 17th century. Narayan is one of Vishnu's manefestations.

Picture by Greg Willis
Roof strout at Char Narayan

Krishna Mandir: Built in 1637 by King Siddhinarasimh Malla, the most important temple in the square.It was constructed in the Shikhara style imported from India. The first floor pillar carvings narrate the events of the Mahabharata, on the second floor there are carvings from Ramayana.

Picture by Christine Chauvin
Krishna Mandir Temple

Picture by fabulousfabs
Stonework at Krishna Mandir

Picture by SC Cunningham

Picture by Christine Chauvin 
Patan Durbar with Hari Shankar Temple (left), Yogendra Malla Statue (in front of Vishnu Temple)

Vishwanath Temple: Temple of Shiva, built in 1627. Two stone elefants are guardians of the entrance. Erotic decorations under the roof.

Picture by Christine Chauvin

Picture by Christine Chauvin

Garuda Statue:

Picture by Christine Chauvin

Picture by Christine Chauvin

Bhimsen Temple: Built by Srinivasa Malla in 1680. It is renowned for its three interconnected golden windows.
Picture by Jeanne Menj

Golden Temple:

Picture by Jean-Pierre Dalbéra

Picture by Jean-Pierre Dalbéra

Picture by 3dom

Picture by Iryna Kuchma

Picture by neiljs

Picture by neiljs

Picture by Cheryl Marland

Mani Keshar Chowk - Royal Palace:

Picture by Voyages Lambert

Picture by momo
Mani Keshhar Chowk

Picture by Greg Willis
Narsingha, in Front of Sundari Chowk

Picture by Faub

Picture by Jean-François Gornet
Mani Keshar Chowk (left)

Taleju Temple

Picture by Felix Velarde
Taleju Temple, seen from Mul Chowk Courtyard

Picture by Christine Chauvin
The entrance of Taleju Temple, Sun Dhoka, golden door

Picture by Jean-Pierre Dalbéra
The entrance of Taleju Bhawani Temple

Mul Chowk Courtyard

Picture by fabulousfabs
Lion outside Mul Chowk

Picture by fabulousfabs
Carving at Mul Chowk

Picture by Cheryl Marland
Looking across Mul Chowk courtyard towards the bell

Picture by Christine Chauvan

Manga Hiti: Fountain in a basin with the form of lotus

Picture by Christine Chauvin

Picture by amanderson2

Picture by Ritesh Man Tamrakar

See also:
Patan Travel pictures by Dr. Günther Eichhorn

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